The Rise of Digital Health and Wellness Software

Digital health has already become a powerful and prospective area for healthcare system development. Advanced technology implementation is now used for creating a faster, more efficient, and cost-reducing healthcare practice.

That is why more and more companies start developing digital health and wellness software for enhancing the workflow and providing the best user experience to contractors and their clients.

According to Statista, up to 2025, the estimated global EHR/EMR market is expected to reach $38 billion. These numbers show that the companies’ interest in health and wellness software development will only increase in the nearest future.

Digital Health and Wellness Software App

Today we will discover the basic information you need to know about digital health and wellness, what are the benefits of this software, and what specific kind will fit your requirements best.

Along with the latest statistical analysis, you will be able to get an overview of the future of digital health and wellness development.

Let’s get it started right now!

The Digital Health and Wellness Definition

You might think the meaning of digital health and wellness is very simple and straightforward, but in fact, this concept is now widely implemented in various jobs, fields, and industries.

The health and wellness tracking software on your smartphone, coaching software, wellness calendar software, or some other healthcare technologies that support you in everyday life is only a small part of all the software.

So, what is digital health and wellness? Digital health implies using the latest technologies to resolve the health problems and challenges of patients in the healthcare system.

In fact, it covers not only the development of healthcare apps for patients but also creating the software for medical staff and public health authorities for providing efficient services in healthcare.

The “digital” part of that concept points out the implementation of different software like wellness tracking software, telemedicine platforms, health monitoring devices, etc.

The only thing to remember: as soon as any technology is applied to any aspect of the healthcare industry, it automatically becomes related to digital health.

Digital Health and Wellness Statistics

Just like we have mentioned before, digital technologies define any kind of health-related technologies.

And because of the fact that now technologies play a critical role in any industry’s development, the innovative solutions of the healthcare industry result in a huge increase in its performance.

Let’s talk in numbers. For example, recent studies have shown that 1 person out of 10 is over 65 years old, which means the high demand for various services related to the healthcare industry.

Along with that, health and wellness software is a perfect solution for providing all people with high-quality medical services and informing them about the important insights about disease treatment and prevention.

Also, according to Statista, the leading key factor influencing the global mobile health market is the wide usage of smartphones and tablets. So far up to 40% of U.S. adults are already aware of the digital health software or used them at least once, and over 70% of them are open to utilizing the health services.

Due to the recent events caused by pandemics, these numbers will only grow in the future. The wellness living software, health-tracking technologies, wellness coaching apps, and more are expected to develop for enhancing the current healthcare services to strengthen the immune system of our society.

But what are the other benefits you can get from the healthcare software?

Digital Health and Wellness Benefits and Risks

Needless to mention, the main goal of that software is to provide comfortable and efficient services for the healthcare units and their consumers.

Benefits Connected with Digital Health

The additional benefits you can get with the health and wellness software are as follows:

  • track the health data and get the timed notifications about the critical changes, or else when it’s time to visit a doctor, etc.;
  • transmit the important personal electronic health information to the healthcare institution and get detailed recommendations from the specialists without spending your time visiting doctors;
  • implement the new healthy habits to your daily routine, track calories and physical activity with wellness calendar software;
  • get feedback from your doctor about your health information, schedule visits, and more.

All these features are targeted at improving the consumers’ experience in healthcare and reduce the amount of paperwork for the medical centers.

As a result, you will get great treatment, recommendations, and statistics, while doctors will be able to track the health information and notify you about the ways you can prevent diseases, and improve your mental and physical health.

Digital Health and Wellness Software Provider

Risked Connected with Digital Health

However, there are weak points you have to keep in mind, and they are mostly related to data storage, transmitting, and protection. So, the risks you might face while utilizing the health and wellness software are:

  • the lack of electronic health data protection. Sometimes it happens that your personal data or even the database of a healthcare unit can be hacked by criminals and used for gainful purposes.
  • the risk to lose your data. Without having it backed up, serious system errors or hacks can lead to the electronic health records’ damage or loss.
  • the difficulties with the health records transmitting. According to the recent regulations in the eHealth industry, it is important to encrypt the data before its sharing or transmitting. If this process was done incorrectly, it is more likely to be lost or stolen.

As you can see, there are pretty many points to consider, which always implies utilizing the latest technological solution for creating reliable and multifunctional software for healthcare.

Various Audiences of Digital Health Software

Different audiences need different features to utilize in their software. For now, let’s analyze the most average types of consumers and their actual requirements for digital software.


Basically, they require this kind of software to cover the basic needs of their workers and help them to enhance their working performance via improving the health condition. This group makes the buying decision based on:

  • healthcare software cost;
  • the complex of tools and features for engaging their employees.


Usually, this group defines good health and wellness software based on their preferences and health demands. That is why it is critical to provide numerous functions for providing the best experience for your clients.

Healthcare Providers

The key point to remember for the health and wellness software in this aspect is to make sure your digital health application can improve the workflow performance and efficiency of the healthcare units.

Electronic healthcare records, health status system tracking, paperwork, and registration procedures can greatly encourage these institutions to utilize your software.

Health and Wellness Software Types & Features

Having discovered the list of demands for every segment of clients, it’s now time to find out the main types of software offered on the eHealth market.

Health and Wellness Tracking Software

Different types of wellness software record totally different electronic health information and perform various tasks related to digital health and wellness. The wellness tracking software is mostly used for:

  • Education: to conduct the confidential Personal Health Assessment.
  • Motivation: for tracking program participation/activity, enhancing the engagement, tracking the rewards.
  • Awareness: to inform the users about the changes in the metrics.

The main idea of this software is to make systematic records related to personal health details.

Health and Wellness Coaching Software

However, the coaching software is different. Unlike the health and wellness tracking software, it provides users with the information needed for improving or changing certain metrics in their health. To clear this out, the wellness software is in charge of:

  • Skills: to demonstrate how to get healthier and strengthen the immune system.
  • Tools: to provide the tools needed for health improvement with wellness management software.
  • Information: to be aware of the users if they miss something with wellness calendar software wellness coach software.
  • Culture: to create a health-promoting culture and encourage social support with wellness living software.

Though the software performs different functions, it still has one common target to perform: improving utilization of the digital health software in healthcare and providing the consumers with high-quality services in healthcare.

Corporate Health and Wellness Software Industry

The main purpose of corporate wellness software is to establish and manage health improvement programs for their employees.

As a result, it improves the employees’ health, provides them with an opportunity to get professional help anytime and anywhere. According to Forbes, unhealthy and unengaged employees are a drag on productivity, innovation, and the bottom line.

Furthermore, Gallup’s recent research has shown an increase in employee engagement by 34%, along with the implementation of corporate wellness tracking software.

Digital Health and Wellness Software Wearable

Also, corporate wellness software becomes a key point potential employees consider before applying for a post in a certain company. That is probably one of the main reasons companies now start implementing this software in their workflow.

In fact, the corporate health and wellness software covers the following kinds of applications:

  • employee wellness software;
  • financial wellness software;
  • wellness coach software;
  • wellness management software etc.

All these kinds are beneficial for maintaining the strong health of the company’s employees, which, as we stated before, has a direct influence on its performance.

Now, let’s find out some examples that can really help you to improve your health and discover, whether they are worth it or not.

Smoking Cessation Programs

Companies lose huge investments in smokers’ treatment in comparison to non-smokers. But Union Pacific offers the program of wellness living software and provides their users with professional assistance on how they can get rid of this habit.

In fact, the software helped to reduce the number of team members who smoke from 40% in the 1990s down to 17% in 2007.

Online Gym Applications

Instead of building a gym for their workers, it is much easier to put one into their smartphones. That’s one of the main concepts companies try to follow by offering a free subscription to workout apps or else build their own apps for their employees.

Being motivated, workers can show a huge increase in their productivity, which is greatly important for any business.


To sum up, digital health is now rapidly developing due to the high demand for Healthcare IT Solutions and software services. This concept is widely utilized by companies to enhance their health and improve productivity.

For the customers, the digital health and wellness software implies the opportunity for boosting their health, getting some useful skills and insights about their habits, and how to develop healthy ones.

For the healthcare providers, it becomes a great chance of changing their current services by implementing the modern technologies into it and finally getting rid of the paperwork, the physical health records, and old archives.

We, the Intellectsoft company, empower various companies and their workforces with advanced solutions and approaches. So, if you and your organization are looking for a professional approach via creating unique software, our experts are always here to assist you.

Contact us now and find out more about ways your company can develop health and wellness software and explore how your business can start benefiting from the latest technologies for ultimate success and growth!

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